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                                                    VITA For Dr. Erich  Fred  Legner





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NAME:    Erich  Fred  Legner


POSITION:  Professor of Biological Control, University of California




Wilson College, Chicago, Illinois, 1950-52, Diploma


Texas A. & M., Kingsville 1952-53, Entomology, Horticulture


University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, 1953-54, B.S., Agronomy & Botany


Utah State University, Logan, 1956-58, M.S., Entomology & Plant Pathology


University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1958-61, Ph.D., Entomology & Plant Pathology



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1957-58:  Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan:  Research Assistant

1961-62:  Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison:  Research Associate

1962- 95:  Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside:  Professor

1995- Present:  Professor of Biological Control Emeritus, University of California




American Assoc. For the Advancement of Science

American Mosquito Control Association (Honorary)

Caribbean Science Society

Entomological Society of America

Entomological Society of Canada

International Organization For Biological Control

National Honor Society

New York Academy of Sciences

Sigma Xi

Smithsonian Institution (National Associate 081376980)

Society of Vector Ecologists (Honorary)




American Legion (Post 1000, #204494596)

Riverside Municipal Museum

Sierra Club (42626655)

Zoological Society of San Diego (P188800)




1995.  13 International Plant Protection Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands.  2-7 July 1995


1992.  9th International Entomophagous Insects Workshop, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, Univ. of Florida.  3-7 May 1992.


1991.  Department of Entomology, Texas A. & M. University, College Station, TX.  Seminar.  Novel Phenomena in Insect Polygenic Systems.  18 Jun. 1991.


1990.  2nd Intern. Cong. Dipterology, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Aug 27 - Sept. 1, Increasing parasitism and mortality of Synanthropic Muscidae. 28 Aug. 1990.


1990.  Department of Entomological Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Seminar.  Extra nuclear Ignition of Polygenic Loci in Hymenoptera.  5 Mar. 1990.


1989.  Sacramento Valley Regional Seminar, Sacramento, CA.  Biological Control of Mosquitoes.  7 Mar. 1989.


1988.  18th International Congress of Entomology, Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Symposium on Genetic Manipulation of Arthropod Natural Enemies.  Heterosis and Thelytoky in the Genus Muscidifurax, Problems and Progress in Genetic Improvement.  3-9 Jul. 1988.


1987.  Department of Biology, Loyola/Marymount University, Westminster, CA.  Seminar.  Behavior of Imported Cichlids in Natural Waterways of the Southwestern United States.  Feb. 1987.


1986.  Annual Meeting Entomological Society of America, Reno, Nevada.  Symposium.  Environmental Impact of Introduced Biological Control Agents.  Arthropods Introduced For Control of Other Arthropods.  Dec. 1986.


1986.  2nd Intern. Conf. des Entomologistes de 'expression Francaise, University of Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Canada.  Symposium on Ecologie et Controle Biologique des moustiques et mouches noires.  Predators as Agents of Control Against Biting Flies.  15-18 Jul. 1986.


1985.  Minnesota Mosquito Research & Control, Working Group Seminar.  Natural Enemies Effective in Mosquito Population Regulation.  Nov. 1985.


1984.  17th Intern. Congress of Entomology, Hamburg, Fed. Rep. Germany.  Symposium Biocontrol Agents to Control Livestock Pests.  The requirement For Expanded Scientific Study Into Interactions Between Dung Beetles and Symbovine Flies.  20-26 Aug. 1984.


1984.  International Symposium Biological Plant & Health Protection, Academy of Science & Literature, Mainz, Fed. Rep. Germany.  Importation of Exotic Natural Enemies.  15-17 Nov. 1984.


1983.  International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture.  Nazareth, Israel.  Imported Cichlid Behavior in California.  8-13 May 1983.


1982.  Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, Seminar.  Biological Control of Navel Orangeworm.  21 Apr. 1982. 


1982.  University of California Cooperative Extension Seminar, Bakersfield, CA.  Biological Control of Navel Orangeworm.  13 May 1982.


1981.  California State College, San Bernardino, CA.  Graduate Seminar.  Biological Control of Insects.  12 Oct. 1981.


1980.  Academy of Aquatic Ecosystems, Seminar.   University of California, Riverside.  Biological Control of Aquatic Weeds.  1 Mar. 1980.


1980.  16th International Congress of Entomology, Kyoto, Japan.  Biological Control Symposium.  Reduction of Pectinophora gossypiella in  Cotton by Imported Parasitic Hymenoptera.  3-9 Aug. 1980.


RESEARCH GRANTS    (Chronological)


National Institutes of Health, Natural Enemies of Synanthropic Diptera grants GM12699 & GM12496) (10) 1967-75.  $200,000.


National Science Foundation, grant to attend 13th International Congress of Entomology, Moscow, U.S.S.R.  Aug 1968.  $800.00.


National Science Foundation, Hydra Species as Mosquito Predators.  Grants GB-31068 (2).  1971-73.  $88,870  (jointly with U.C. Irvine).


Coachella Valley Mosquito Abatement Dist., Biological Hippelates eye gnat control grants (5) 1962-67.  $25,000.


Goldman Poultry Industries (1).  1968.  $1,200.


Orange County Mosquito Abatement Dist. Biological Mosquito & Midge Control grants (3) 1971-73.  $15,000.


Southeast Los Angeles Mosquito Abatement Dist. Biological Mosquito & Midge Control grants (5).  1971-75.  $25,000.


U. S. Army, Trust Territory of the Pacific, Biological Control of Synanthropic Diptera in Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands.  1971-73 (3)  ca.  $10,000


Occidental Petroleum Corp.  Biological Aquatic Weed & Midge Control.  1974-75.  $12,164.


Northwest Mosquito Abatement District, Biological Control Studies of Lepidoptera on Poultry Ranches.  1972-73 (2).  $10,000.


Imperial, Coachella & Palo Verde Irrigation Districts, Biological Aquatic Weed & Mosquito Control grants (5).  1974-78.  $200,000.


California State Legislature Mosquito Control Grants.  Planaria and Hydra Predators of Mosquitoes.  1974-77 (4).  $38,750.


California Dept. of Food & Agriculture, Pink Bollworm Research Grants.  1975-85 (10).  $229,577.


California Almond Growers Assoc., Biological Control of Navel Orangeworm grants.  1978-88 (10)  $185,532.


North Carolina State University, Travel grant to participate in Deptal. Seminar.  1976.  $568.00.


University of California, Biological Control of Navel Orangeworm in Walnuts, IPM Grants 1983-85 (2).  $22,040.


California Dept. of Food & Agriculture, Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Natural Enemy Acquisition grants.  1979-80 (2).  $54,057.


California Raisin Advisory Board, Biological Control of Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer.  1978.  $16,600.


Academic Senate Award to Participate in International Congress of Entomology, Kyoto, Japan.  1980.  $500.00


California Tablegrape Growers, Biological Control of Grape Mealybug.  1987-90 (3).  $9,000.


Rincon-Vitova Corporation, Biological Control of Synanthropic Flies.  1980-89 (9)  $20,000.00.


Academic Senate Award to participate in International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, Nazareth, Israel.  1983.  $500.00.


Academic Senate Award to Participate in International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg, Fed. Rep. Germany.  1984.  $800.00


Entomological Society of America grant to participate in symposium at the International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg, Fed. Rep. Germany.  1984.  $900.00


Entomological Society of America grant to participate in International Congress of Entomology, Vancouver, Canada.  1988.  $300.


Beneficial Insectaries, Inc.  Biological Control of Medically Important Flies.  1988.  $1,000.


Spalding Laboratories.  Parasitoids for Medically Important Diptera.  1984.  $3,000.


Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc.  Parasitoids for Grape Mealybug.  1989-90.  $2,000.


Akademie der Wissenschaften u. Lirteratur, Mainz, Fed. Rep. Germany.  1984.  $2,800.


University of California, Intramural Research Fund--1984-90, research grants (6)  $10,000.


University of California, Renewable Resources Extension Act Program.  Biological Dung & Dung Fly Control on Rangeland.  1990-91.  $5,000.00


Walnut Marketing Board, research grant.  Increasing Parasitism of Codling Moth in Walnuts.  1990-95.  $85,986.00 (with Nicholas Mills, UC,  Berkeley)


Bo-Biotrol Corporation, grant.  Research on Navel Orangeworm Parasitoids.  1990-91.  $14,000.00


Consortium for International Crop Protection, research grant.  Insect Cotton Pest Management.  1990-94.  $1,500,000.00 (jointly with Texas A. & M. Univ. and New Mexico State Univ.).


Beneficial Insectaries, Inc.  Biological Control of Medically Important Flies.  1994.  $2,000.


Misc. foreign exploration grants from the Special Fund for Foreign Exploration, University of California, Berkeley, to Central America, West  Indies and Mexic





    Angel Antonio Chiri

        Behavioral Studies of Four Hymenopterous Parasites of Pectinophora gossypiella in Relation

        to Host-seeking Kaironomes.

        Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology, March 1980.  143 p.


    Fred Mamoud Eskafi

      Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology (completed at The University of Mississippi).


    Gabriel Lara

        Behavior of Solitary and Gregarious Populations of the Fly Parasitoid, Muscidifurax raptorellus

       (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae):  Effects of Host Density and Temperature on Parasitization Rate,

       Multiple Oviposition and Host Destruction.

        Master of Science in Entomology, September 1988.  71 p.


    Stuart John Long

        Bioecological Studies of Niditinea fuscipunctella (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) in Poultry

        Manure and Interactions with Natural Enemies and Musca domestica L.

        Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology, June 1974.  88 p.


    Gary Stanley Olton

         Biology of Tachinaephagus zealandicus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), parasitoid of synanthropic


         Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology, June 1973


    William Bartlett Peet, Jr.

        Bionomics and Predaceous Habits of Three Lyctocorines (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae).

        Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology, December 1975.  117 p.


    Laurel Lyndon Walters

        Comparative Effects of the Desert Pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius Baird & Girard, and the

        Mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis-affinis  (Baird & Girard) on Pond Ecosystems; and Mass Rearing

        Feasibility of C. macularius

        Master of Science in Entomology, October 1976.  249 p.


    Hyo Sok Yu

        Bioecological Studies of Freshwater Hydra and Planaria (Invertebrata), and Field Evaluations

        of Their Predation Effectiveness for Biological Control of Immatue Mosquitoes and Chironomids

        in Southern California.

        Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology, March 1976.  152 p.






    Dr. Dan Gerling, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

    Dr. William Hauser, University of Maine, Bangor

    Dr. Marcos Kogan, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Rio de Janeiro

    Dr. Shan-Ching Tsai, Taiwan




African Prehistory, Inscriptions, Ogam

Assembly Theory of Time.

Biological Control of Invading Organisms

Descubrimientos Precolombinos en Sudamérica

Discoveries In Natural History & Exploration

Economically Important Plants

Entomology-The Study of Insects

Historical World Maps

Insect Identification

Insect Morphology

Insect Pollination

Invertebrate Zoology

Landscapes Of The World

Language & Human Migrations

Medical Entomology

Mycology-Fungi Identification

North American Birds

Plants of Economic & Aesthetic Importance

Pre-Columbian Explorations In America

Siberian Immigration

Staphylinidae Identification




Ancient American Stone Carvings

Ancient Norse Exploration In America

Ancient Scripts In Minnesota

Bronze Age Visitors In America

Ethnic Diversity In Pre-Columbian America

European Bronze Age Visitors In America

Horsecreek Petroglyph In West Virginia

Indiana Early Humans Site

Kansas Early Hominid Site

Petroglyphs & Pictographs

Pre-Columbian America

Ethnic Groups In Early America

Team Bolivia-Arqueología

The Search For Early Humans In America

Virginia Pre-Columbian Site




Riverside Municipal Museum (Insect Collection)

Sherman Indian School, Riverside, California (Historical Records section)





ROTC:  Texas A. & M. Kingsville (1952-1953); University of Illinois, Champaign (1953-1954)


United States Army:  1954-1956:  National Defense Service Medal,

Army of Occupation Medal (Germany),  Good Conduct Medal, Honorable Discharge





1.  Legner, E. F.  1980.  Biological Control of Synanthropic Diptera.  Proc. 13th International Congress of Entomology, Moscow,

          Russia, Aug 2-9 1968


2.  Legner, E. F.  1980.  Reduction of Pectinophora gossypiella in cotton by imported parasitic Hymenoptera.  Proc. 16th Intern. Cong. of

     Entomology, 3-9 Aug 1980, Kyoto, Japan .  p. 360.


3.  Legner, E. F.  1984.  The requirement for expanded scientific study into interactions between dung beetles and Symbovine flies. 

      Proc. 17th Intern. Cong. of Entomology, Aug 20-26, Hamburg, Germany.  P. 704.


4.  Legner, E. F.  1984.  Biological control of mosquitoes and chironomids by habitat reduction and predation by cichlids.  Proc. 17th Intern.

     Cong. Entomology, Aug 20-26, Hamburg, Germany.  P 768.


5.  Legner, E. F.  1984.  Biological control of phycitids in soft-shelled almonds.  Proc. 17th Intern. Cong. Entomology, Aug 20-26, Hamburg,

     Germany. P. 773.


6.  Legner, E. F.  1990.  Increasing parasitism and mortality of Synanthropic Muscidae.  Proc. 2nd International Congress of Dipterology,

      Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1990.  Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.  P. 131.





     2004.  Association of Natural Bio-control Producers, Award of Excellence.  For outstanding contributions

                  to Commercial Biological Control


     2004.  Riverside Pride, Neighborhood Pride Award.  The City of Riverside and the Riverside Neighborhood

                 Partnership Award for our appreciation for your contribution to the beautification of our city. [Includes

                 energy-efficient & minimal water landscaping].


     2006.  The City of Riverside Certificate of Appreciation.


    2006   Municipal Museum Volunteer Recognition.  Ronald O. Loveridge, Mayor,

         Bradley J. Hudson, City Manager:  “In recognition of your valuable contribution

         and distinguished service to the City of Riverside."